Gylarong College

Gyalrong’s new dormitory will hold 65 rooms and support over 100 monks.

The total cost of this project is $768,485.00

The global community has raised $152,615.00

We need to raise an additional $615,800.00

Sera Monastery

Founded in 1419, Sera Monastery is one of the three prestigious Gelugpa sect monasteries in Vajrayana Buddhism. Located in Karnataka, India, this historical hub has been pivotal in global spiritual development.

Home to over 5,000 monks, Sera offers a study course as intense as an Ivy League university but with greater discipline, and refined conduct. The monastery urgently needs a new dormitory to continue fostering the monks development of the heart and thier study of consciousness under Buddhist mind science.

Gylarong College

Sera is divided into various colleges. Gyalrong is one such college that has been blessed with a large influx of new monks. This influx of new monks takes Gyalrong far past capacity for housing and the college is in dire need of a new dormitory building.

Great Alumni and Teachers

Gyalrong has nurtured many esteemed teachers, including Pabongka Rinpoche and Khen Rinpoche Geshe Lobsang Tharchin, who have profoundly contributed to spreading Buddha Dharma in the West.

Gyalrong College at Sera Mey stands as a beacon of peace, meditation, loving-kindness, wisdom, and Buddhist mind science, illuminating the path for practitioners around the world.

Progress Update 

Since The Maitri Project launched its fundraiser for Gyalrong House, we have successfully funded the construction of four apartments. This tremendous achievement is a testament to our collective efforts and is worth celebrating.

While this milestone is inspiring, we still have more apartments to complete. Thank you for your continued support, and please consider making a donation today to help us complete this important project.