The Maitri Project serves high impact monastics, schools and practioners within underprivileged communities to create empowerment, connection and well-being at local levels.

Serving the high impact monastics, schools, and practitioners of Nepal, India and Asia creates lighthouses within communities and the world that dry up the rivers of confusion, pain and suffering around them. Many of the monastics we support are young, while some are much older, even elder.

These young monastics will go on to be lifelong monks and nuns and some will start families later in life. They are free and have the agency of choice. The elder monastics we support often engage in longer meditation retreat or pass along their wisdom drawn from rich life experiences in meditation combined with rigorous study.

The education that the monastics receive is unique in that they receive a modern education along with training in meditation, developing compassion, ethics, empathy and an understanding of interdependence, consciousness and the profound mind sciences of Buddha Dharma.

Because of this when the monastics come of age they are well suited with a strong foundation to benefit their culture and improve the conditions to some of the poorest places in the world.

The Maitri Project is committed to serving the underserved monastic populations of Nepal, India and Asia.

100% of all donations go towards serving the monastic communities with, healthcare, food, and education.

Founded on a burning wish to benefit others The Maitri Project is a labor of love where all staff are donating 100% of their time.

This is a pure offering of service to those in need who will go on to greatly benefit their society and world.

Team Maitri Project